This is a suspenseful story, with an authentic viewpoint of life as a woman officer in the 1970’s, and much more. We have come a long way baby, but the sad truth is revealed in this tale, of the ordeals women faced, and how they were treated not too long ago, right here in the good ole’ USA. Even though this is a fictional work, it hits hard on the head, of this tragic reality. Slaughter’s research was well worth the time, and enabled her to tell a tale reflecting clear images of the era. The characters were alive, and took on the life of the day. The reader is taken from the present, back to the 70’s, and to present again, in a flowing seamless manner.
It was great to experience some familiar characters, like Sara Linton and her new love interest Will Trent. The character Amanda was done well, showing her growth as a person through the years, and the struggles she overcame in time. She was a true heroine. There were many victims in this tale, those of society, of drugs and crime, and of discrimination. This is truly a great detective story, with a lot of historical flavor.
Karin Slaughter has surpassed herself, and reached into the individual character’s mindset, with honesty. I have been a fan of her work for years, but this to date is the best I have read so far. Looking forward to the next book – UNSEEN due to come out this summer of 2013.